Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stealing the Spotlight from God

I was thinking today about a book that I had read with my church lifegroup last year. It was a book titled "i am not but i know I am", that had been written by Louie Giglio, speaker and pastor of Passion City Church here in Atlanta. I remember the one phrase in his book that has stuck with me till this day pg134, "when I crave the spotlight for myself I have lost the plot,losing sight of the storyline and the one true star". Now I can tell you from experience as someone who is a musician in a church that it is so easy to want the spotlight from God. Trying to make myself some type of little idol. Oh, if I could only see the gravity of that sin in that it tries to rob God of his glory and says out loud that the gospel is stupid and that I don't need or want God. The seriousness and gravity of this sin should make me and all regardless respond like the men of the old testament who tore their clothes and poured dirt and ash over their heads in brokenness over their sin. If you've ever read through the OT you'll find that God constantly warns Israel from following false idols. Not only were these warnings for Israel but their also for us in our present day. So many times we have read these verses and yet we still try to make an idol out of playing on stage thinking in the back of our minds that people will think something great of us when in fact what we time and time again fail to realize is that we are ugly sinners who deserve nothing but the righteous judgement of God's wrath. So in essence what I should see when I look at myself is someone who can neither offer anything good nor make myself look good but only humbly stand before the creator in his spotlight and be in aw of him and simply.........worship!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

God's Hand

So ready to hit the beach again. I'm just amazed when I look at God's creation, how the water is in constant motion never ceasing just like his hand in our lives. He never stops loving us, never stops pursuing us so that we will put our trust and faith in his son Jesus Christ. So that our sins may be forgiven and that we will become like those waves on the beach and be moved back and forth in a constant motion by the fathers hand who loves us and want us to love him and trust his will for our lives!